CVE Series: Print Nightmare


In recent times, the cybersecurity landscape has been marred by the emergence of a critical Windows vulnerability known as PrintNightmare. This vulnerability has sent shockwaves through the community due to its potential to exploit all versions of Windows operating systems that run the Print Spooler service. The severity of the situation is exacerbated by the fact that, as of the time of writing, there are no official patches available to mitigate the risk. This article delves into the intricacies of PrintNightmare, its distinct variants, the technical underpinnings of the vulnerabilities, potential exploits, detection methods, and possible mitigation strategies.

What is Print Nightmare?

PrintNightmare, while commonly associated with two distinct Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), namely CVE-2021-1675 and CVE-2021-34527, primarily revolves around the exploitation of the Windows Print Spooler service. Microsoft's official stance designates CVE-2021-34527 as the true PrintNightmare, emphasizing the ambiguity surrounding the nomenclature. In the context of this exploration, both CVEs will be examined to provide a comprehensive understanding.


CVE-2021-1675 initially surfaced on June 8, 2021, as a Windows Print Spooler Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability with a base CVSS score of 7.8. The Print Spooler service, the focal point of the Stuxnet worm of 2010, is responsible for managing the printing process. Researchers Zhipeng Huo, Piotr Madej, and Zhang Yunhai were the first to uncover this vulnerability, originally classifying it as a Local Privilege Escalation (LPE) concern. However, subsequent analysis revealed the potential for Remote Code Execution under specific conditions: valid unprivileged user credentials, an active Print Spooler service, and a connection to a remote host via Server Message Block (SMB).

Exploit code for CVE-2021-1675 proliferated across various GitHub repositories, exposing the inherent dangers to a wider audience. Notable repositories include those maintained by a range of researchers and security enthusiasts, such as,, and

CVE-2021-34527 emerged on July 1, 2021, as another RCE vulnerability linked to the Print Spooler service. This variant shares similarities with CVE-2021-1675, particularly involving authenticated access to RpcAddPrinterDriverEx(). Microsoft has clarified that while both vulnerabilities bear resemblance, they are inherently distinctive. Notably, CVE-2021-34527 garnered a higher CVSS base score of 8.8 compared to the base score of 7.8 assigned to CVE-2021-1675.


The core vulnerability stems from the RpcAddPrinterDriverEx() function, which facilitates the installation of print drivers on a system. An authenticated attacker can exploit this function to specify a driver file, potentially located on a remote server. Consequently, an arbitrary Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file with SYSTEM-level privileges is executed by the Print Spooler service executable (spoolsv.exe). This allows attackers with low-level privileges to execute arbitrary code with SYSTEM-level access, enabling tasks such as adding users with administrator privileges or establishing remote SYSTEM-level connections.

Exploitation of these vulnerabilities is a grim reality that security professionals must confront. Researchers John Hammond and Caleb Stewart developed a PowerShell script, available at, which leverages the CVE-2021-1675 vulnerability to execute local privilege escalation. This means that even a low-privileged authenticated user can exploit the vulnerability to gain SYSTEM-level privileges. Unlike some previous exploits, this script operates locally, bypassing the need for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) or Server Message Block (SMB) protocols. The script draws from the Windows Privilege escalation script, PowerUp, further underscoring its potency.


Detecting PrintNightmare exploits is crucial in mitigating the risks associated with these vulnerabilities. One approach involves monitoring Windows Event Viewer logs for Event ID 808, specifically the message "The print spooler failed to load a plugin-in module." This indicator suggests a successful exploitation attempt. Additionally, security tools like Splunk offer analytics to detect PrintNightmare activities, aiding defenders in identifying potential threats.

Mitigation strategies are critical in the absence of official patches. While completely disabling the Print Spooler service is an option, it comes at the cost of local and remote printing capabilities. An alternative approach, as advised by Microsoft in CVE-2021-34572, involves reducing the attack surface by managing memberships in specified groups. However, this must be undertaken with care, as altering group memberships could introduce compatibility issues.

In conclusion, the PrintNightmare saga sheds light on the evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats. As organizations grapple with the absence of patches, understanding the nuances of these vulnerabilities, their potential exploits, and effective mitigation strategies is paramount. This critical juncture underscores the importance of proactive security measures, continuous monitoring, and collaborative efforts within the cybersecurity community to safeguard digital environments from emerging threats like PrintNightmare.